
How to make Laccha Paratha | Paratha Recipes | The Bombay Chef – Varun Inamdar

Oct 20, 2018


How to make Laccha Paratha | Paratha Recipes | The Bombay Chef – Varun Inamdar

Learn how to make Laccha Partha or Lacchedar Paratha with chef Varun Inamdar only on Rajshri Food. Laccha Paratha is also called as Paratwala Paratha. In Punjabi “Parat” means layer and layers can be seen on the Paratha when it gets cooked. There are different techniques to make these Parathas. Check out the 2 techniques of chef Varun Inamdar.

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1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup refined flour Salt as required
1.5 Tsp powdered sugar
1 Tbsp Ghee Approx 100 ml water For layering
3 Tbsp Melted Ghee
3 Tbsp oil
2 Tbsp refined flour
Oil/ Ghee for pan frying


-Take 1 cup of refined flour in a bowl, add 1 cup of Whole Wheat flour, to this add powdered sugar, Salt to taste and add some Ghee. Mix it well.
-Now add water and knead into a soft dough for 5 to 7 minutes and cover it with a damped cloth. Let it rest for around 10 to 12 minutes.
-Divide the dough into 4 equal portions.
-Smear little oil and roll a portion into a thin disc.
-On top of it smear some oil and dust little refined flour.
-Start folding it in a zig zag way and start coiling it inwards from one side. Place it in a plate and dab a little oil on top. Method 2
– Smear little oil and roll a portion into a thin disc.
-On top of it smear some oil and dust little refined flour.
-Take a sharp knife cut it into thin and long strips.
-Take all strips together by pushing it away from you and coil it inwards as mentiond in the first method.
-Dab some oil and keep it aside.
-Prepare the remaing portions in the either way.
-Dab a little oil and roll it in a thin disc.
-Heat a pan and roast it and flip it over and add ghee or butter.
-To increase the lacchas flatten it from all the sides.
Laccha Parathas are ready to be served on the dinner Table!

Host : Varun Inamdar
Director: Vaibhav Dhandha
Camera: Kavaldeep Singh Jangwal, Manjeet Katariya, Pratik Gamre
Editing: Dinesh Shetty
Creative Head: Kavya Krishnaswamy Producer: Rajjat A. Barjatya
Copyrights: Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited
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