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How To Make Chocolate Ganache | Best Chocolate Ganache Recipe | Baking Basics | Upasana Shukla

Nov 15, 2018


How To Make Chocolate Ganache | Best Chocolate Ganache Recipe | Baking Basics | Upasana Shukla

Learn How to Make Chocolate Ganache Recipe in quick & easy method in Basics of Baking with Chef Upasana Shukla. Chef Upasana shows you a simple method to make both Dark and White Chocolate Ganache with some essential tips. Make the Ganache at your home and share your experience with us in the comments section below.

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Dark Chocolate Ganache:-
200ml. Cream
400gms. Chopped Dark Chocolate
1 tsp. Butter White

Chocolate Ganache:-
100ml. Cream
300 gms. Chopped White Chocolate


For Dark Chocolate Ganache:-
Heat the cream in a saucepan and take it off the flame just before it boils. Add it to the dark chocolate and let it rest for about a minute. After a minute mix the cream and the chocolate.
Add butter to get more shine for the ganache.

For White Chocolate Ganache:- Heat the cream in a saucepan and take it off the flame just before it boils.
Add it to the white chocolate and let it rest for about a minute. After a minute mix the cream and the chocolate.

TIP:- If there are lumps of chocolate in the ganache, microwave it for 10 seconds or heat it on a double boiler, stirring continuously, until the lumps disappear.
